Sentence example with the word 'crambo'


Last update: July 16, 2015


It is something like dumb Crambo.   [Please select]


It was a sort of dumb-crambo, and a most outrageous _double entendre_ had just brought a smile to the broad heavy face of a woman who lay among cushions in the alcoved balcony.   [Please select]


So the Queen played her game unmolested, as she played dumb-crambo; at which her servants, separated like their betters into cliques, tried to outdo each other.   [Please select]


They like to compose and act out all sorts of dramas of their own, from playing house (which is nothing but a drama prolonged from day to day), to such dramatic games as Statue-posing and Dumb Crambo.   [Please select]

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crakes - crambo - crammed