" All my opinions," he says, " are so conjoined, and depend so closely upon one another, that it would be impossible to appropriate one without knowing them all." [Please select]
All causes are not conjoined to their usual effects with like uniformity. [Please select]
What remains is a kind of golden shell, formed of the two conjoined elytra. [Please select]
An essence composite and multiform, and conjoined with time. [Please select]
Closely conjoined with forethought for utility in the planning of a house is forethought for beauty. [Please select]
Pride in dress is naturally conjoined with the care of the person. [Please select]
The same things disjoined in one respect _appear_ as conjoined in another. [Please select]
That idea, when conjoined with the idea of any object, makes no addition to it. [Please select]
Human nature, with soul and body conjoined, is a combination of two substances, neither of which is a necessary consequence of the other. [Please select]
While love and hate are always conjoined with a readiness for action, with benevolence or anger, pride and humility are pure, self-centered, inactive emotions. [Please select]
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