The Armenians also make use of the mundane era of Constantinople, and sometimes conjoin both methods of computation in the same documents. [Please select]
All causes are not conjoined to their usual effects with like uniformity. [Please select]
What remains is a kind of golden shell, formed of the two conjoined elytra. [Please select]
An essence composite and multiform, and conjoined with time. [Please select]
The two things conjoined to make the delay that in its consequences was so deplorable. [Please select]
That idea, when conjoined with the idea of any object, makes no addition to it. [Please select]
If it be conjoined with the extension, it must exist somewhere within its dimensions. [Please select]
The same things disjoined in one respect _appear_ as conjoined in another. [Please select]
Conjunctive experiences _separate_ their terms, he will still say: they are third things interposed, that have themselves to be conjoined by new links, and to invoke them makes our trouble infinitely worse. [Please select]
They offer a complex of diversities conjoined in a way which it feels is not its way and which it can not repeat as its own. [Please select]
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