Sentence example with the word 'cock'


anemograph, broody hen, detonate, fire, haymow, lose ground, plug, retrograde, spile, tap, wind sock

Definition n. obscene terms for penis

Last update: October 20, 2015


The cock crows in the morning.   [Please select]


The dog cocked its ears when it heard a sound.   [Please select]


She cocked her scooter to check the oil.   [Please select]


Soldiers cocked the Bofors gun.   [Please select]


On this theory the yellowbird or NorthAmerican "goldfinch," C. tristis, would seem, with its immediate allies, to rank among the highest forms of the group, and the pinegoldfinch, C. pinus, of the same country, to be one of the lowest the cock of the former being generally of a bright yellow hue, with black crown, tail and wings - the last conspicuously barred with white, while neither hens nor young exhibit any striations.   [Please select]

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- cock - aardwolf