Sentence example with the word 'circumvented'


Last update: June 27, 2015


Having discovered that Peter, who had reached the age of seventeen, was thinking of taking the administration into his own hands, she conspired against him with the commander of the stryeltsi and some of his maternal relations; but she was circumvented by the rival faction and interned in a convent, and Peter's mother was put in her place.   [Please select]


Having circumvented the fence, the next task was to descend the steep sides of the ravine.   [Please select]


The rain would cease when the first wizard learned that he was being circumvented.   [Please select]


CHAPTER XVIII HOW THE SQUIRE WAS CIRCUMVENTED The squire was in very good spirits.   [Please select]


Cronus was so enraged at being circumvented that war between the father and son became inevitable.   [Please select]


He's circumvented me neatly, and the game is his--so far my little plan is dished.   [Please select]


Great boulders had to be circumvented, and patches of bog, where the streams from the snows first made contact with the plains, mired us to our girths.   [Please select]

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circumvent - circumvented - circumventing