It is a sack-like tunic of white linen, with narrow sleeves and a hole for the head to pass through, and when gathered up round the waist by the girdle (cingulum) just clears the ground. [Please select]
Circulate -us: having a cingulum or collar: see also cinetus. [Please select]
The most significant features of the cheek teeth are their size, and the undivided internal cingulum. [Please select]
A cingulum connects the lingual and central cusps at the posterior margin of the tooth. [Please select]
Posteriorly this single cusp in the cingulum is united with the hypocone. [Please select]
Here, too, the cingulum is as high as the paracone and metacone. [Please select]
_--Ramus medium in size for the genus; incisors small, proƶdont; anterior median fold of m1 slight; cingulum of all molars poorly developed; average and external measurements of lower molar row of seven specimens are, 2. [Please select]
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