Sentence example with the word 'borrowers'


Last update: September 18, 2015


All the companies, except the Nord, have at one time or another had to take advantage of the guarantee, and the fact that the Ouest had been one of the most persistent and heavy borrowers in this respect was one of the reasons that induced the government to take it over as from the 1st of January 1909.   [Please select]


He was, however, most prodigal in lending his books and he always forgot the borrowers.   [Please select]


Yet it cannot be pretended that the labour of the two borrowers differs in this proportion.   [Please select]


On the other hand, all persons in business may be considered as habitually borrowers.   [Please select]


The class of borrowers may be considered as unlimited.   [Please select]


Upon these circumstances, then, the rate of interest depends, the amount of borrowers being given.   [Please select]


The interest, capital, and debt, increased so much with delay that the borrowers became slaves.   [Please select]


Then, too, as there were no banks near at hand to accommodate borrowers, the squire used to lend money to his poorer neighbors.   [Please select]


As heavy borrowers of money in the North, they were generally in favor of "easy money," if not paper currency, as an aid in the repayment of their debts.   [Please select]

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borrower - borrowers - borrowing