beggared, cut off, disadvantaged, fleeced, in rags, mendicant, needy, out at elbows, pauperized, sorrowing, underprivileged
Definitionadj. sorrowful through loss or deprivation
Last update: September 1, 2015
During this time Rome was horrorstruck by the mysterious murder of the young duke of Gandia, and the bereaved pope mourned his son with the wildest grief. [Please select]
We cannot describe the grief of that bereaved husband. [Please select]
The following morning, the bereaved mother was quite composed. [Please select]
When she was gone, he fell upon work like a bereaved lion upon his prey. [Please select]
Hayward tried to impress this fact on the bereaved parents, but they would not be comforted. [Please select]
The _mironton, mirontaine_ is an agonized wail of suspense--poor bereaved duchess. [Please select]
Oliver was a bereaved mother and lived on the edge of the country. [Please select]
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