Sentence example with the word 'bacteriological'


Definition adj. of or relating to bacteriology

Last update: October 17, 2015


So far as the ``awful disease'' was concerned, repeated bacteriological tests over a considerable period failed to show the extensive vulvitis to be due to gonorrhea.   [Please select]


, England GRIFFITH Incubators [Illustration: A simple, well constructed bacteriological incubator] GAGE--The Microscope =An Introduction to Microscopic Methods and to Histology= By SIMON H.   [Please select]


The room beyond, looking on Main Street, was business-office, consulting-room, operating-room, and, in an alcove, bacteriological and chemical laboratory.   [Please select]


To get the best results it should be applied only by one who has been trained in the careful antiseptic methods of the bacteriological laboratory.   [Please select]


A fair test and judgment of this treatment, however, can be obtained only when the administrator is trustworthy and painstaking, well acquainted with bacteriological antisepsis and with the general and special pathology of the bovine animal.   [Please select]


, England GRIFFITH Incubators [Illustration] A simple, well constructed bacteriological incubator GAGE--The Microscope An Introduction to Microscopic Methods and to Histology By SIMON H.   [Please select]

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