The Republican national 1 This attack led to a dramatic scene in the House, in which Blaine fervidly asseverated his denial. [Please select]
"Yes, mamma," asseverated Peony, with much gravity in his crimson little phiz, "this is 'ittle snow-child."' [Please select]
"I think we ought to sing a hymn, anyway," asseverated Sara Ray. [Please select]
"I never will, now that I know it's bad," asseverated Davy between sobs. [Please select]
King, who, he had asseverated, were not in a position to entertain royalty as royalty was in the habit of being entertained. [Please select]
This, however, seemed to Teddy too much to pay, so, when the time of reckoning came, he stoutly asseverated that there were but sixty packages. [Please select]
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