Sentence example with the word 'aspersion'


abuse, bad press, caviling, despite, high celebration, innuendo, litany, outrage, rap, squib, whispering campaign

Definition n. a disparaging remark

Last update: June 13, 2015


In the formulae of blessings that follow, the special efficacy against devils is implied by the aspersion with holy water; the benedictions themselves are usually merely invocative of the divine protection or assistance, though, e.g., in the form for blessing sick animals the priest prays that "all diabolic power in them may be destroyed, and that they may be ill no longer."   [noun]


"I know nothing, except that, wherever she is, I will vouch that she is innocently employed, and has done nothing to deserve that infamous aspersion," giving him back the letter.   [noun]


"It's not at all from friendship," declared Nicholas, flaring up and turning away as if from a shameful aspersion.   [noun]


In the formulae of blessings that follow, the special efficacy against devils is implied by the aspersion with holy water; the benedictions themselves are usually merely invocative of the divine protection or assistance, though, e.g., in the form for blessing sick animals the priest prays that "all diabolic power in them may be destroyed, and that they may be ill no longer."   [Please select]


Chayne, and I'm surprised at your casting such an aspersion on my character.'   [Please select]


Robert was filled with indignation as he listened to this aspersion upon his father's memory.   [Please select]


"What aspersion is rankling for utterance within you now, Solomon."   [Please select]


But I resented the aspersion of blue-stockingness cast on Betty.   [Please select]


The aspersion which would trace those deeds to the meeting of St.   [Please select]


Pretended to be angry at such an aspersion on Mary's fair fame--was in love with her himself like the rest of us.   [Please select]


There is nothing that the chief participants did not call one another, and no intimation or aspersion concerning the reputation of ancestors to the remotest generation that was not cast in the others’ teeth.   [Please select]

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