Sentence example with the word 'artisans'


Last update: July 20, 2015


Artisans came from a great distance to view and honour the image of the popular writer whose best efforts had been dedicated to the cause and the sufferings of the workers of the world; and literary men of all opinions gathered round the grave of one of their brethren whose writings were at once the delight of every boy and the instruction of every man who read them.   [Please select]


The artisans toiled, the musicians played, and the poets sang.   [Please select]


So he called together the finest artisans in the country and told them what he wanted.   [Please select]


And in an incredibly short time the Pontellier house was turned over to the artisans.   [Please select]


His classification of the people was into scholars, artisans, traders, and agriculturalists.   [Please select]


"The common people are devoted to agriculture; the merchants, artisans, and menials are all dutiful."   [Please select]


A considerable portion of the citizens were traders, artisans, and farmers.   [Please select]

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artisan - artisans - artisanship