Sentence example with the word 'argosy'


armada, bottom, coast guard, escadrille, hooker, keel, marine, merchant navy, naval militia, packet, ships, task group, vessel

Definition n. one or more large merchant ships

Last update: August 18, 2015


The English language retains in the word "argosy" a reminiscence of the carracks of Ragusa, long known to Englishmen as Argouse, Argusa or Aragosa.   [Please select]


Standing there, they watched the strange argosy floating away on the dancing waves.   [Please select]


I called, stammering incoherently, after her, but her light argosy skimmed the water steadily.   [Please select]


He indicated a tiny purplish bit of vapor floating against the distant blue like an argosy.   [Please select]


"Yet had he sailed alone I doubt if the Spanish argosy had concerned him greatly."   [Please select]


Yes, we've unearthed what Paul would call an argosy, the grandest craft that ever floated on this here creek, that I never saw before, an' that I don't know the name uv.'   [Please select]


Drake, who was not less eager than his men to capture the rich argosy, to sharpen their eyesight promised to the first that should discover her the gold chain he wore round his neck.   [Please select]

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argosies - argosy - argot