Sentence example with the word 'arbutus'


Definition n. any of several evergreen shrubs of the genus Arbutus of temperate Europe and America

Last update: September 30, 2015


Evergreens predominate in the south, where grow subtropical plants such as the myrtle, arbutus, laurel, holm-oak, olive and fig; varieties of the same kind are also found on the Atlantic coast (as far north as the Cotentin), where the humidity and mildness of the climate favor their growth.   [Please select]


Over trellises ran the tiny morning-glory, with vetch and trailing arbutus.   [Please select]


The Doctor swooped suddenly down on a shadowy object, which lay prone under an arbutus shrub.   [Please select]


Is it really under a damp arbutus shrub that the grown-ups intend to take counsel.   [Please select]


"You can't put that arbutus in a garden," said Hale, "it's as wild as a hawk."   [Please select]


The May flower, or trailing arbutus, has been aptly styled our national flower.   [Please select]


The arbutus, lying low and keeping green all winter, attains to perfume, but not to honey.   [Please select]


The only flowers were lilies of the valley, roses, and arbutus.   [Please select]


Arbutus place: Pleasants street: pleasant old times.   [Please select]


One may discover, amid the purple lobes of the squirrelcup leaves, downy buds that promise blossoms, and others, callower, but of like promise, under the rusty links of the arbutus chain.   [Please select]

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