Sentence example with the word 'appareled'


Definition adj. dressed or clothed especially in fine attire

Last update: July 23, 2015


To see yourself or others appareled in white, denotes eventful changes, and you will nearly always find the change bearing sadness.   [Please select]


So, when twelve months had passed, Powell with his retinue of a hundred knights, all splendidly horsed and finely appareled, presented himself before the castle.   [Please select]


_ King Robert of Sicily Robert of Sicily, brother of Pope Urbane And Valmond, Emperor of Allemaine, Appareled in magnificent attire With retinue of many a knight and squire, On St.   [Please select]


But all appareled as in days of old, With ermined mantle and with cloth of gold; And when his courtiers came they found him there, Kneeling upon the floor, absorbed in silent prayer.   [Please select]


The Moday beyng the daye of Sayncte Denyce, the same kynge Leyes maried the lady Mary in the greate church of Abuyle, bothe appareled in goldesmythes woorke.   [Please select]


The students were not the charity children I had carelessly pictured; they were not so young, for one thing, and they seemed to be appareled decently enough.   [Please select]

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apparel - appareled - apparelled