Sentence example with the word 'antirrhinum'


Definition n. a genus of herbs of the family Scrophulariaceae with brightly colored irregular flowers

Last update: June 13, 2015


Antirrhinum majus (Snapdragon): hardy, 6 in.   [Please select]


Here and there a surviving blossom of antirrhinum swaggered among its withered brethren as if to maintain the illusion of summer.   [Please select]


That this papilla is a rudiment of a stamen was well shown by its various degrees of development in crossed plants between the common and peloric Antirrhinum.   [Please select]


Hence it appears to me probable that the progenitor of the genus Antirrhinum must at some remote epoch have included five stamens and borne flowers in some degree resembling those now produced by the peloric form.   [Please select]


But flowers furnished with only a few stamens, and others which are asymmetrical in structure, sometimes become double, as we see with the double gorse or Ulex, Petunia, and Antirrhinum.   [Please select]


Peloric races of Gloxinia speciosa and Antirrhinum majus can be propagated by seed, and they differ in a wonderful manner from the typical form both in structure and appearance.   [Please select]


I sowed seed of twelve named varieties of Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), and utter confusion was the result.   [Please select]


That this papilla is a rudiment of a stamen was well shown by its various degrees of development in crossed plants between the common and the peloric Antirrhinum.   [Please select]


Now I crossed the peloric snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), described in the last chapter, with pollen of the common form; and the latter, reciprocally, with peloric pollen.   [Please select]

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