The opossums of America are marsupials, though not showing anomalies as great as kangaroos and bandicoots (in their feet), and Myrmecobius (in the number of teeth). [Please select]
The skull shows no important anomalies besides the division of the parietals. [Please select]
Testut, 'Les anomalies musculaires chez l'homme expliquées par l'anatomie comparée,' Paris, 1884, p. [Please select]
Testut, 'Anomalies musculaires chez l'homme expliquées par l'anatomie comparée,' Paris, 1884, p. [Please select]
Édouard Cuyer, 'Anomalies musculaires' (_Bulletins de la Société Anthropologique_, Paris, 1893).' [Please select]
[31] Édouard Cuyer, 'Anomalies, Osseous and Muscular' (_Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie_, Paris, 1891).' [Please select]
No, child, Nature does not deal in such anomalies. [Please select]
Many lesser anomalies in our domesticated animals appear to be due to arrested development. [Please select]
My rooted and insubvertible conviction is, that the causes of the anomalies evident in the princess's condition are strictly and solely physical. [Please select]
As the worries of captivity might well be the cause of a few anomalies in the insect's actions, I felt that I ought to enquire how things happen in the open. [Please select]
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