The isolation of active principles long antedated the synthetical preparations, but the latter came at last--the marvellous array of hypnotics, anodynes, and fever-quellers that are now at our command, largely coal-tar products. [Please select]
All gracious things appeared to her as illusions; all gentle delights but as passing anodynes with which, in his misery, man weakly tries to deaden the pain of existence for a little space. [Please select]
And there had been no anodynes for him. [Please select]
_--Purgatives, anodynes, and other remedies are of no service in such cases, and bleeding also fails to produce any benefit. [Please select]
_--Little can be done in such cases except to quiet pain and excitement by anodynes (opium, chloral, etc.) [Please select]
Anodynes are often applied locally with good results. [Please select]
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