Sentence example with the word 'annalists'


Last update: August 30, 2015


The form Persepolis (with a play on 71-ports, destruction) appears first in Cleitarchus, one of the earliest, but unfortunately one of the most imaginative annalists of the exploits of Alexander.   [Please select]


Campbell, and the majority of our annalists of books, have considered it as evidence of neglect.   [Please select]


English and Irish annalists, unanimous for once, alike exclaim in horror over his deeds.   [Please select]


It is a remarkable fact that the record of some of these events should be found, not in church annals, calendars, or itineraries, but in passages in the writings of pagan annalists and historians.   [Please select]


In the slight sketch here attempted the facts recorded on the grave pages of our New England annalists have wrought themselves almost spontaneously into a sort of allegory.   [Please select]

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annalist - annalists - annals