Sentence example with the word 'abstracting'


Last update: July 1, 2015


The theoretical side of inner nature in its successive grades from sensation to the highest form of spirit, the abstracting reason which emphasizes the difference of subjective and objective, leaves an unsolved problem which receives satisfaction only in the practical, the individualizing activity.   [Please select]


She saw Peter abstracting the money, and so informed Mrs.   [Please select]


Haward laughed, and abstracting another bottle from the shelf broke its neck.   [Please select]


In truth, there does always remain to the pure conceptions of the understanding, after abstracting every sensuous condition, a value and significance, which is, however, merely logical.   [Please select]


With the help of its rays he picked out a good landing place, and having set the pumps at work abstracting gas from the bag, they soon made a good landing.   [Please select]

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abstractedness - abstracting - abstraction