Sentence example with the word 'ancillary'


accessory, another, attendant, collateral, fostering, incident, ministrant, nutricial, serving, supernumerary, ulterior

Definition adj. furnishing added support

Last update: June 11, 2015


He runs a small ancillary unit at the outskirts of the city.   [adjective]


Ancillary features:- new hall added to the north side of the church in recent years.   [adjective]


A team of ancillary staff supports the ward staff.   [adjective]


- Venetian sculpture is for the most part ancillary to architecture; for example, Antonio Rizzo's "Adam" and "Eve" (1464), which face the giants'-staircase in the ducal palace, are parts of the decorative scheme; Sansovino's splendid monument to Tomaso Rangone is an essential feature of the facade of San Giuliano.   [Please select]


The maid Edith had vanished, after the manner of many of her kind, into ancillary space.   [Please select]


Why need he use care so scrupulous as not to expose even torn up bits of rough draft to the ancillary publicity of a waste-paper basket.   [Please select]

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anchor - ancillary - anecdote