Sentence example with the word 'acclivity'


Definition n. an upward slope or grade

Last update: September 4, 2015


When parts of a field are flat, and other parts have a considerable acclivity, it is expedient to cut a receiving drain near to the bottom of the slopes, and to give the flat ground an independent set of drains.   [Please select]


There, upon an acclivity, a tin plate was found on the ground.   [Please select]


At last she sank down on one of the rocky steps of the acclivity.   [Please select]


Hermit thrushes, Audubon's warblers, and warbling vireos dwelt on the lower part of the acclivity.   [Please select]


Looking far up the acclivity, we saw still larger snow-fields obliterating the trail.   [Please select]


At eight o'clock it descended the farther slope, the acclivity of which was much less abrupt.'   [Please select]


At last, she sank down on one of the rocky steps of the acclivity.   [Please select]


Suddenly Billy, with a shout that was half a scream, called attention to the holes they had noticed at the foot of the acclivity.   [Please select]


Always his way was uphill, and now and then he was obliged to draw himself up some acclivity by pulling, hand over hand, on a creeper trailing from a tree.   [Please select]

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acclimate - acclivity - accolade