Sentence example with the word 'zenana'


Last update: October 1, 2015


Church of England Zenana Missionary Society.   [Please select]


When the King reached the pavilion of his Queen he found it guarded by those unhappy officials whom Eastern jealousy places around the zenana.   [Please select]


The entrance into the garden from the house was made by a small door, at the bottom of a staircase leading from what had been the zenana, for the gardens were always considered the special domain of the ladies.   [Please select]


"A messenger has probably brought the rajah news that the assault has failed, and he is bringing his zenana here for safety, until he hears the issue of the battle, which will probably take place in a day or two."   [Please select]


We might accidentally open the door of the rajah's zenana, and then I doubt if even his desire to hold me as a hostage would suffice to save our lives.   [Please select]

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zenaida - zenana - zenanas