Sentence example with the word 'yelping'


bawling, blatant, boanergean, brawling, clamorous, clamoursome, crying, loudmouthed, noisy, obstreperous, openmouthed, screaming, shouting, vociferant, vociferating, vociferous, yammering, yapping, yelling

Definition n. a sharp high-pitched cry

Last update: July 30, 2015


GABRIEL HOUNDS, a spectral pack supposed in the North of England to foretell death by their yelping at night.   [Please select]


But let your execution exhibit the slightest defect, and you will have her instantly showing her teeth, whisking her tail, yelping, barking, and growling.   [Please select]


We would arrive to see the hounds dancing about the burrow yelping excitedly instead of having a goral at bay as we had expected.   [Please select]


And the yelping dog-teams go, And the long whips crack, and the men come back, Back from the edge of the floe.   [Please select]


Three or four yelping dogs gave tongue, for he was on the outskirts of a village.   [Please select]


The hunters listening the while, The rustling heard, came back, With all their yelping pack, And seized him in that very place.   [Please select]


He loves buglehorns and yelping curs, and huntsmen's cracked voices, far before the company of ladies or the conversation of wits.   [Please select]


The little gun spoke, and the dog spun around, snarling and yelping.   [Please select]


In half a minute every dog in the settlement was howling, barking, or yelping, in rage or fear.   [Please select]


But presently they wearied of yelping at him and went away.   [Please select]


The dog conceivably demurred, for Philip removed him, yelping, by the simple process of seizing him by the loose skin at the back of his neck and dropping him overboard.   [Please select]

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yelpers - yelping - yelps