Sentence example with the word 'yamen'


Last update: September 15, 2015


It was in the "yamen" of one of these boards - the Li Pu or board of rites - that Lord Elgin signed the treaty at the conclusion of the war in 1860 - an event which derives especial interest from the fact of its having been the first occasion on which a European plenipotentiary ever entered Peking accompanied by all the pomp and circumstance of his rank.   [Please select]


Five years ago Earl Li was at the head of the "Tsungli Yamen," or Foreign Office in Peking.   [Please select]


Provided with the necessary passports from the British minister, countersigned by the Tsung-li-yamen, the Chinese foreign office, Mr.   [Please select]


Why do you raise such an uproar in front of my yamen.   [Please select]


All business with foreign powers is transacted through a Foreign Office, the Wai-wu-pu (formerly the Tsung-li-Yamen).   [Please select]


The chains were taken from the tiger's neck, and the great animal walked silently out of the yamen, down the street, and through the gate opening towards his beloved mountain cave.   [Please select]


At last, however, as they stood reading a public notice posted at the entrance of the town-hall or yamen, a bystander asked them who they were.   [Please select]

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yaird - yamen - yammer