Just at Trot's side appeared a new face even fairer than the other, with a wealth of brown hair wreathing the lovely features. [Please select]
The wreathing of the Egyptian pylons and obelisks, the principal temple, and the favourite statues in the city had been commenced during the night. [Please select]
While o'er him fast, through sail and shroud, The wreathing fires made way.' [Please select]
While o'er him fast, through sail and shroud The wreathing fires made way.' [Please select]
I could hardly see the ship, but a wreathing spiral of smoke, mingling with the low clouds, gave me her position. [Please select]
But Duty before everything," and wreathing his royal countenance in smiles, his Majesty prepared to give Count Snoreonski an audience." [Please select]
Phrases for Study born to rule the storm, wreathing fires, heroic blood, splendor wild, lone post of death, borne their part. [Please select]
Where earlier, there had been fog over the plain, fog wreathing the hillsides, there was now smoke. [Please select]
While o'er him, fast, through sail and shroud, The wreathing fires made way.' [Please select]
A broad belt of valley grew bright in the light, and behind it loomed the monuments, weird and dark, with columns of yellow and white smoke wreathing them. [Please select]
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