Sentence example with the word 'worthiness'


Definition n. the quality or state of having merit or value

Last update: October 20, 2015


In the Augsburg Confession (1530), which was largely due to him, freedom is claimed for the will in non-religious matters, and in the Loci of 1533 he calls the denial of freedom Stoicism, and holds that in justification there is a certain causality, though not worthiness, in the recipient, subordinate to the Divine causality.   [Please select]


"Well, it is no question of worthiness now."   [Please select]


He was born in the town of Shrewsbury[1] as himself affirms in his book made in verse of the Worthiness of Wales.   [Please select]


_ The quotations we have made from the text seem to have answered our question as to Miranda's worthiness.   [Please select]


One who joins a church on _probation_ is given a _trial_ to _prove_ his worthiness _before_ being fully admitted.   [Please select]


Such an one must Prove yet his worthiness--yet earn my trust.   [Please select]


Wiggleswick gave her to understand that, thanks to his master's angelic disposition and his own worthiness, he always had a good time.   [Please select]

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worthily - worthiness - worthless