During the long absence of her husband after the fall of Troy many chieftains of Ithaca and the islands round about became her suitors; and, to rid herself of the importunities of the wooers, she bade them wait till she had woven a winding-sheet for old Laertes, the father of Odysseus. [Please select]
Now, the youngest princess had never married, and had turned a deaf ear to all her wooers. [Please select]
Her wooers are all of equally good family and all equally rich. [Please select]
So it seemed to the wooers as if the robe would never be finished. [Please select]
One day Telemachus sat at the door of the palace sadly watching the wooers as they drank and reveled. [Please select]
Soon the wooers entered, and noisily ate they and drank, and roughly jested. [Please select]
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