And, woodman, leave the spot; While I've a hand to save, Thy ax shall harm it not. [Please select]
She turned off the main road, crept through uncle Josh Woodman's bars, waved away Mrs. [Please select]
'And maple-framed engravings of the Queen, the Houses of Parliament, the Plains of Heaven, and of a blunt-nosed woodman's flat return.' [Please select]
I told of my discovery as I lay in the woodman's cottage. [Please select]
I looked down the dizzy heights of Eagle Tower and saw Sir George in conversation with Ben Shaw, a woodman. [Please select]
I drew back from the battlements, and the woodman replied, "Perhaps he be, but I doubt it." [Please select]
When Sir George heard the woodman's story, he started hurriedly toward Bowling Green Gate. [Please select]
If you're waking, call me early To be or not to be, Curfew must not ring to-night, Oh, woodman, spare that tree.' [Please select]
'T was my forefather's hand That placed it near his cot; There, woodman, let it stand.' [Please select]
The Rescue of the Tin Woodman When Dorothy awoke the sun was shining through the trees and Toto had long been out chasing birds around him and squirrels. [Please select]
So the Tin Woodman shouldered his axe and they all passed through the forest until they came to the road that was paved with yellow brick. [Please select]
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