act drop, block, color print, curtain, drypoint, graphotype, lithograph, pyrogravure, side scene, transformation, woodburning
Definitionn. a print made from a woodcut
Last update: August 13, 2015
Woodcut is used in sarees. [Please select]
The woodcut (fig. [Please select]
The arrangement of the latter is not easily described, but is accurately represented in the accompanying woodcut. [Please select]
25) is not strictly correlated with the width or divergence (as may be clearly seen in woodcut No. [Please select]
72, whence the woodcut exhibiting this strange feature is taken by kind permission. [Please select]
These little books generally had a crude woodcut and one stanza of text on a page. [Please select]
] The under side, shown in the accompanying woodcut, is ashy brown; warm in the female, but paler in the male. [Please select]
_The August Thorn_ (_Eugonia quercinaria_) Our last example of this family is the August Thorn, represented in the accompanying woodcut. [Please select]
This arrangement enabled the building to be lighted by means of a clerestory, in the manner shown by the accompanying woodcut. [Please select]
At that moment the woodcut in my book of travels flashed vividly before me. [Please select]
Some of the pleasantness of the effect of lines printed from a woodcut is due to the fact that they print a more clearly cut line. [Please select]
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