adage, boutade, conceit, epigram, gnome, mot, play of wit, quip, saying, snappy comeback, verse, words of wisdom
Definitionn. a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
Last update: September 29, 2015
The foreigners were deported to Nizhni by boat, and Rostopchin had said to them in French: "Rentrez en vousmemes; entrez dans la barque, et n'en faites pas une barque de Charon." * There was talk of all the government offices having been already removed from Moscow, and to this Shinshin's witticism was added--that for that alone Moscow ought to be grateful to Napoleon. [Please select]
Pomfret smiled, and mentally noted this aptly technical witticism for use again. [Please select]
This was a savage witticism the men had, which Jurgis had to have explained to him. [Please select]
A witticism was flung back at him from the retreating car, but spent itself unregarded. [Please select]
She was ever ready with a witticism, a smile, and a pleasant word. [Please select]
"The Devil's heartiest laugh is at a detracting witticism." [Please select]
The witticism has been attributed to Sydney Smith, but Mrs. [Please select]
And driving in the last nail, she told of the feeble little witticism old Mrs. [Please select]
The moment he starts a witticism, it will be as if a bear of the Pyrenees were rope-walking. [Please select]
Ingred, however, proud and sensitive, writhed under the attacks of Miss Strong's sharp tongue, and would often have preferred a punishment to a witticism. [Please select]
Again his words were interrupted by that racking cough, the sound of which was lost in the applause that greeted his witticism. [Please select]
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