After a score of handshakes from well-wishers, he located his wife and joined her for a jam-packed barbeque lunch, sponsored by the Elks at their century old restored building—another traditional happening of the annual holiday festivities. [Please select]
No discerning and powerful well-wishers came forward and said to him, "Friend, go up higher." [Please select]
His first and natural impulse was to cross the line lower down, work up again, and, catching his well-wishers from behind, summarily slay them. [Please select]
Each article was placed under a glass shade, and labelled with the words and name of the wishers. [Please select]
The robber's name makes nine men out of ten your secret well-wishers; the deed makes you all men's enemy. [Please select]
Give me your hand, my daughter; believe me, Olympius is one of your sincerest well-wishers. [Please select]
Not for them to encourage a tyro and a confrère, as if they were mere friends and well-wishers. [Please select]
More or less sophisticated literature was sent me for the voyage by various well-wishers. [Please select]
This sight silenced the ill-wishers and filled the hearts of the Greedy with hope. [Please select]
Our young shepherd returned, not only safe and sound, but with more knowledge than any of his evil-wishers. [Please select]
In the surge of the suddenly merry crowd of well-wishers around the bride and groom, Isabella was pushed back into a shadowy corner behind a heap of sails and ropes. [Please select]
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