Sentence example with the word 'windswept'


Definition adj. open to or swept by wind

Last update: February 6, 2018


The higher plateaus are called paramos, cold, windswept, mist-drenched deserts, lying between the elevations of 10,000 and 15,000 ft., which are often the only passes over the Cordilleras, and yet are almost impassable because of their morasses, heavy mists, and cold, piercing winds.   [adverb]


We went to windswept, Sabbath-keeping Edinburgh, to high Stirling and dark Holyrood, and to Abbotsford.   [Please select]


It was raining, the long stretches of salt marsh were windswept and brown and bleak.   [Please select]


I have passed through these northern lands, from the windswept ways of Alclwyd to the quaking marshes of the Humber.   [Please select]


Do what he could for their comfort, it must be insufficient in a rotting, windswept shelter like that.   [Please select]


So our little faith keeps us in the boat, or fails us in the waves of that windswept sea.   [Please select]


He went out upon the west gallery and paced its windswept length for half an hour or more.   [Please select]


They were numerous on polygons having low centers and on high windswept knolls in association with black-bellied plovers, ruddy turnstones and pectoral sandpipers.   [Please select]


Then these died away and upon the windswept platform of the South Harniss station descended the black gloom of lonesomeness so complete as to make that which had been before seem, by comparison, almost cheerful.   [Please select]

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windstorms - windswept - windward