Sentence example with the word 'windflowers'


Last update: September 6, 2015


"Oh," said she, lightly, "that morning among the olives,--when you gathered the windflowers for me."   [Please select]


Robin and bluebird, meadow-lark and song-sparrow were singing in the mornings at home; the maple buds were red; windflowers and bloodroot were blooming while the last patches of snow still lingered; the rapture of the hermit thrush in Vermont, the serene golden melody of the wood thrush on Long Island, would be heard before we were there to listen.   [Please select]


She closes with a verse (I don't remember from whom): When windflowers blossom on the sea, And fishes skim along the plain, Then we who part this weary day, Then you and I will meet again.   [Please select]

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windflower - windflowers - windgalls