Sentence example with the word 'wildebeest'


Definition n. large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail

Last update: September 3, 2015


GNU, the Hottentot name for the large white-tailed South African antelope, now nearly extinct, know to the Boers as the black wildebeest, and to naturalists as Connochaetes (or Catoblepas) gnu.   [Please select]


Jan had correctly given many of the characteristic points of that, perhaps, the most singular of all ruminant animals, the wildebeest or gnoo (_Catoblepas gnoo_).   [Please select]


Both species are larger than the wildebeest, individuals of either being nearly five feet in height, while the common gnoo is scarce four.   [Please select]


The Gnu or Wildebeest belongs to South Africa and the Chamois and the Izard to the Pyrenees.   [Please select]


And, by the way, you know the gnu, of course, _alias_ wildebeest.   [Please select]


It is known among the hunters and colonists as "blauw wildebeest" (blue wild-ox).   [Please select]


"Jaging de wildebeest" (hunting the gnoo) is a favourite pastime of the young boors.   [Please select]

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