Sentence example with the word 'wiener'


bangers, blood pudding, braunschweiger, frank, gooseliver, hot dog, liver sausage, salami, sausage, wienerwurst

Definition n. United States mathematician and founder of cybernetics

Last update: June 30, 2015


WIENER-NEUSTADT, a town of Austria, in Lower Austria, 31 m.   [Please select]


So they lit their fire and solemnly broiled a wiener which the little old lady devoured eagerly, and passed on, likewise giving them her blessing.   [Please select]


"Ach, Ich say, old scout," he stated, "Ich would like some brodt haben, und sauer kraut, und wiener wurst, and kaffee, and pumpernickel, und kaffekuchen, und Kolbfleisch, und--oh, whatever you have handy."   [Please select]


"If my husband could only see me now," she said, laughing like a girl as she dropped her last wiener in the dirt and calmly washed it off in the trickling stream.   [Please select]

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wields - wiener - wieners