Sentence example with the word 'whittled'


Last update: August 30, 2015


It passed its second reading, but was considerably whittled down in committee, and when eventually it became law it only partially represented its sponsor's intentions.   [Please select]


Chipperton had read about, and to whom we gave a whittled stick, with strict instructions not to jab anybody with it.   [Please select]


Brinton picked up a piece of shingle, took out his knife, and whittled as the two sat down together.   [Please select]


It was on this voyage that he conceived the idea of the revolver and whittled out a wooden model.   [Please select]


With our fascinated gaze upon him, he whittled sharp a foot-long piece of the same wood, and straddled the longer stick.   [Please select]


'" Osh not only whittled and papered and painted, but did anything whatsoever that needed to be done on the premises."'   [Please select]


The upright supports at the four corners were whittled away by early pilgrims.   [Please select]

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whittle - whittled - whittler