These are handsome Ducks known as "Whistlers" from the noise of their wings when flying, and "Greatheads" because of the puffy crest. [Please select]
Those badly-named, but often attractive, songsters--the Thickheads (now called Whistlers)--are placed next. [Please select]
Distinctive wing-whistling sound in flight has earned the name of whistlers. [Please select]
These were the "tawny marmots," called sometimes "ground-squirrels," and by the voyageurs, "siffleurs," or "whistlers." [Please select]
Many en many's de time is I gone atter deze yer Willis-whistlers, en, no diffunce whar I goes, deyer allers off yander. [Please select]
I never visit Paris without turning into the Luxembourg to see what Whistlers are on view and this time, as I came out into the Gardens, I saw Draycott. [Please select]
One winter day, in prowling along the beach, I approached the spot where a day or two before I had been shooting whistlers (golden-eye ducks) over decoys. [Please select]
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