Sentence example with the word 'wherefrom'


Last update: July 3, 2015


Up a narrow stair sped Soapy and, opening one of the numerous doors, crossed to a truckle bed wherefrom a tousled head upreared itself.   [Please select]


He clutched at the edge of his coat and raised it to his lips, wherefrom blood was gushing forth.   [Please select]


Consequently I begs to tender you now my resignation, yieldin' up my post in your service to one better worthy, and returnin' t' th' place wherefrom I come.   [Please select]


Some ten or twelve paces from its entrance the passageway swerved at a right angle, continuing three yards or so to end in a blank wall, wherefrom a flickering, inadequate gas-lamp jutted.   [Please select]

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wherefores - wherefrom - wherein