Sentence example with the word 'whaling'


angling, casting, enormous, fly fishing, guddling, immense, lathering, mighty, prodigious, spanking, thumping, trolling, whopping

Last update: September 5, 2015


Fish-curing and whaling are lucrative industries.   [Please select]


Years ago when New Bedford was still a whaling port a group of Portuguese sailors from the Azores settled there.   [Please select]


I was whaling then, and a snow-storm came on when we were fast on to a fish.   [Please select]


Yet, the old sailing vessels and the whaling fleets have navigated these straits for two hundred years.   [Please select]


Porter conceived the bold plan of rounding the Horn and playing havoc with the British whaling fleet.   [Please select]


But things don't go very smooth generally in whaling life, so the mate was oftener gruff than sweet.   [Please select]


During these earlier years he had made two voyages in the Pacific, and another to the whaling-ground in the Arctic seas.   [Please select]


The inlets and beaches along the Jersey coast now given over to summer resorts were first used for whaling camps or bases.   [Please select]


When young, like all Nantucket boys, he had a desire to go to sea, and made one or two whaling voyages.   [Please select]


=--The whale is sought mainly in cold waters, and at the present time the chief whaling-grounds are in the vicinity of Point Barrow.   [Please select]


Prior to the rise of modern whaling in the late 1800's, the world population of humpback whales exceeded 100,000, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere.   [Please select]

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whales - whaling - whang