Sentence example with the word 'weariest'


Last update: August 12, 2015


In what rapt ether sails the world, of which the weariest will never weary?   [Please select]


I reckon that time crawling down from the summit of the Staub as some of the weariest hours I ever spent.   [Please select]


Witness the glad alacrity wherewith the weariest dog deserts a snug fireside in the vilest weather for the joy of a master-accompanying walk.   [Please select]


The murmur crept through the train, stirring the weariest to mechanical action.   [Please select]


It was the weariest kind of work, and at last he was heartily sick of it.   [Please select]


If a maid were awake to sing to me--but they sleep like the dead after the camel-ride, and Hasamurti, who sings best, is weariest of all.   [Please select]


CHAPTER XVI Morning found them half-buried in a bright dazzle of snow, the midwinter miracle that sets the most jaded heart singing and the weariest blood to moving more quickly.   [Please select]

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wearies - weariest - weariful