Sentence example with the word 'wayfarers'


Last update: November 2, 2015


The Thugs were a well-organized confederacy of professional assassins, who in gangs of whom 10 to 200 travelled in various guises through India, wormed themselves into the confidence of wayfarers of the wealthier class, and, when a favourable opportunity occurred, strangled them by throwing a handkerchief or noose round their necks, and then plundered and buried them.   [Please select]


Timmins to pack fifty "Wayfarers."   [Please select]


The young officer and two men entered the door with the wayfarers, who were ordered to halt in the hallway.   [Please select]


Two other jottings give us a racial kaleidoscope of the settlers and wayfarers of that time.   [Please select]


Then the man shot away into the darkness, leaving the wayfarers mystified by his words and action.   [Please select]


Not as brothers, not as friends, not as wayfarers of the common ocean, do they come together; but as enemies.   [Please select]


I said that Allah had undoubtedly created him to be a protector of helpless wayfarers and the very guardian of honour.   [Please select]


At the "Nine Miles House" the wayfarers rested, either in the sanded parlour, or the common kitchen of the ale-house.   [Please select]


WAYFARERS ALL The Water Rat was restless, and he did not exactly know why.   [Please select]


"Poor wayfarers, may it please your highness," replied the tall vagabond, bowing low.   [Please select]


He saw almost where the storm had struck the two wayfarers.   [Please select]

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wayfarer - wayfarers - wayfaring