Sentence example with the word 'wagering'


Last update: October 22, 2015


Was an enthusiastic bowler, unfortunately encouraging by example wagering and playing for high stakes, habits that ultimately brought the green into as general disrepute as the alley.   [Please select]


I'd be safe in wagering a thousand dollars that when she hears I'm gone, she will send for you before to-morrow evening.'   [Please select]


"But I'll risk Jimmy, and I'll risk wagering that those girls never had a better time than he'll give them to-night, too."'   [Please select]


"I would not mind wagering a hundred pounds to one that you find that they were not present."   [Please select]


It is very much like wagering that one will tweak by the nose the first gentleman in gaiters and shovel-hat one meets in Piccadilly.   [Please select]


"I'm wagering that it's Daganoweda and nobody else," said Willet confidently, and scorning cover now they advanced at increased speed toward the fire.'   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

wagerer - wagering - wagers