Sentence example with the word 'vulgo'


Last update: August 18, 2015


Liber magnus, vulgo "Liber Adami" appellatus, opus Mandaeorum summi ponderis (2 vols., Berlin and Leipzig, 1867), is an excellent metallographic reproduction of the Paris MS. A German soul, permeates the whole aether, the domain of Ayar.   [Please select]


Die vero postera ad insulam Phenicis (vulgo _Peniche_) distantis a continente quasi octingentis passibus feliciter applicuimus.   [Please select]


Juxta hanc sunt duæ insulæ quæ vulgo dicuntur Berlinges, id est Baleares lingua corrupta, in una quarum est palatium admirabilis architecturæ et multa officinarum diversoria regi cuidam, ut aiunt, quondam gratissimum secretale hospicium.   [Please select]


Every horse, when born, has, according to Maestro Agostino, a piece of black flesh upon its lips, called hippomanes by the Greeks: "La quale carne dici lo vulgo essere molto sospettosa a li maleficii."   [Please select]

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vulgate - vulgo - vulgus