Sentence example with the word 'volplane'


acrobatics, airplane, chandelle, diving, flit, hover, nose dive, pushdown, seaplane, stall, take wing

Last update: October 6, 2015


But the reason I volplaned over the fence was so I could have a talk with you about the Hoppers.   [Please select]


He cut off the engine and allowed the craft to volplane to earth more abruptly.   [Please select]


Then he would volplane downward at dazzling speed, to resume a horizontal flight when close to the earth.   [Please select]


At the same time he mounted higher for the final volplane downward.   [Please select]


I didn't have much to locate you by other than the general direction, but it seems that you volplaned a considerable distance toward the south after you disappeared from my view behind the hills.   [Please select]


I volplaned down, and landed on a putting green, and an old colonel who'd been invalided home from India said I'd done it on purpose, and he was going to have me court-martialled.   [Please select]

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volleys - volplane - volplaned