Sentence example with the word 'volleying'


Last update: August 25, 2015


He was now sitting up on his haunches on a floe, and staring silently at the volleying cloud which marked the Falls.   [Please select]


A splashing and a tramping; a hurrahing, uproaring, musket-volleying; the truest segment of Chaos seen in these latter Ages.   [Please select]


Through the volleying drifts of English, Kim caught the general trend of the talk, and it interested him very much.   [Please select]


But evidently they were kept from closing in, for during the thick of the heaviest volleying the engine again began to puff and the wheels to grind.   [Please select]


It was beginning to be pretty obvious that a man who advised volleying through the crevices with spears was winning the argument when Kazimoto detected familiar accents and raised his voice.   [Please select]

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volleyed - volleying - volleys