Nickel fluoride, NiF 2, obtained by the action of hydrofluoric acid on nickel chloride, crystallizes in yellowish green prisms which volatilise above m000° C. It is difficultly soluble in water, and combines with the alkaline fluorides to form double salts. [Please select]
| |____________________________________________________________________| The nitro compounds are mostly pale yellow liquids, which distil unchanged, and volatilise with water vapour, or colourless or pale yellow needles or prisms. [Please select]
Another defect of the process lies in sulphur being volatilised in the free form, and settling upon the wool causes it to turn yellow, and this yellow colour cannot be got rid of. [Please select]
Finally, if the amount of picric acid be still further increased under these conditions, it will undergo partial decomposition and volatilise, but will not even deflagrate. [Please select]
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