Definitionadj. with wings extended in a flying position
Last update: June 7, 2015
[[Adaptive Types Of Limbs And Feet Volant]] Short-limbed, plantigrade, Ambulatory pentadactyl, unguicuOR late Stem [[Terrestrial Adaptive Types Of Teeth]] Stem Insectivorous Law Of The Independent Adaptive Evolution Of Parts. [Please select]
An eagle gules volant in a field argent displayed. [Please select]
'Crapaud-volant' is ugly, but descriptive, the brown speckling of the bird being indeed toadlike, though wonderful and beautiful. [Please select]
Ille autem, dum ávolant, mágnum numerum eárum sagittís tránsfíxit. [Please select]
They played battledore and shuttlecock in the picture-gallery, and my lady laughed when her volant struck some reverend judge or venerable bishop a rap on the nose. [Please select]
The above list is composed mainly of volant or relatively large and mobile mammals, several of which occur also in Eurasia or range well into the Neotropics. [Please select]
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