The demonstrators were vociferously opposed to the idea of increasing the petrolprice. [Please select]
Even mild David Trevarrow lost self-command, and shouted vociferously. [Please select]
This speech was also vociferously applauded. [Please select]
Meantime the obese Teuton has appeared upon the stage in a famished condition demanding vociferously and plaintively from the world at large sausage. [Please select]
At a table, somewhat vociferously buying improbable "soft drinks" for two fluffy girls, was a man with a large familiar back. [Please select]
German public opinion thereupon vociferously demanded a punishment which would establish the place of Germany as a colonial power in the Pacific. [Please select]
Two fine collies rushed to meet them, barking vociferously; and at the sound Clarence hurried to the door. [Please select]
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