While the Austrian officials in Dalmatia, with hardly a pretence of concealment, were assisting the insurgents, Russian volunteers were flocking to Servia with the connivance of the Russian and Austrian governments, and General Ignatiev, as ambassador in 3 The names are vocalized to suggest the fanciful interpretations "victim" and "protection withheld." [Please select]
SUBVOCALS AND ASPIRATES (13) Subvocals are those sounds in which the vocalized breath is more or less obstructed. [Please select]
Subvocals are those sounds in which the vocalized breath is more or less obstructed. [Please select]
_Refrain_: I'm the voice of all the Wildest West, the Patti of the Plains; I'm a wild Wagnerian opera of diabolic strains; I'm a roaring, ranting orchestra with lunatics be-crammed; I'm a vocalized tornado--I'm the shrieking of the damned.' [Please select]
As the voice assumes the intenser modes of force, the vocal organs become more and more compressed, and utterance is more and more labored; the breath forced out cannot all be vocalized; the voice becomes less and less pure, and manifests itself in the aspirate and guttural qualities. [Please select]
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